Over a year ago, on March 19, 2023, an initial interest meeting in another trip to Tanzania to visit our partner congregations, Mtera and Migoli, was held. That meeting was well attended and from it sixteen members of our church ultimately committed to traveling together to Tanzania. As part of our initial meetings together the dates of July 17-31, 2024 were decided on for our trip. That seemed like a long way off at the time. Fast forward to today, June 13, 2024, only a little over one month from our departure to TZ! Much planning and preparation has happened over that past year, including a wonderful Tanzania Celebration Sunday in April that the whole congregation was able to be a part of! Now, final preparations are underway, including the application of our travel visas and packing!
This blog will be an opportunity for you to follow along with our travels. It will be easy to read and to share, if you have friends or family that may be interested in our travel experiences. In addition to regular updates here we will also post on our church social media (Facebook and Instagram). I recommend you bookmark this page and follow it daily (once we've left for our trip). Or, you will also be able to find the link on the home page of our church website. To fill you in a little bit on our plans, here is a summary of our travel itinerary.
Here is the roster of our Trip. Please keep us all in your prayers!
That's all for now. Watch for more updates coming soon! Pastor Dale
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